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Monday, January 10, 2011


Pada suatu hari Yesus dengan pengikut2Nya menaiki sebuah perahu. Dia berkata kepada mereka, "Marilah kita menyeberang tasik (Galilea)." Mereka pun bertolak. Sedang mereka belayar, Yesus tertidur. Tiba2 angin kencang melanda tasik itu. Air mula masuk ke dalam perahu sehingga membahayakan mereka semua. Pengikut2 Yesus pergi kepada Yesus lalu membangunkan Dia. Mereka berkata, Guru, Guru, kita hampir tenggelam!"

Yesus bangun lalu menengking angin dan ombak yang bergelora. Angin dan ombak pun teduh dan tasik menjadi tenang sekali. Lalu Yesus berkata kepada pengikut2Nya, "Mengapa kamu tidak percaya kepadaKu?"

Tetapi mereka hairan dan takut serta bercakap sesama sendiri, "Siapakah orang ini, sehingga angin dan ombak taat kepada perintahNya?" (Lukas 8: 22-25)

Saudara/i pembaca yang dikasihi, hari ini kita sudah 10 hari 'belayar' meninggalkan tahun 2010. Kita berada dalam 'tasik' tahun 2011, dan sebagai seorang yang memiliki impian dan harapan dalam hidup, saya percaya kita telah menetapkan destinasi (seberang tasik) yang ingin kita tuju dalam pelayaran masing2.

Situasi seperti yang dialami oleh pengikut2 Yesus dalam petikan alkitab di atas boleh saja terjadi kepada sesiapapun di antara kita pada bila2 masa dalam pelayaran ini. Sudah tentu kita akan dilanda kebimbangan dan ketakutan. Kita berkata, "kita hampir tenggelam!" Bagi pengikut2 Yesus ketika itu, mujurlah kerana Yesus ada bersama2 mereka. Tengkingan Yesus ternyata telah berjaya meredakan angin dan ombak itu. 

Bagaimana dengan kita saudara/i? Hari ini peribadi Yesus sebagai manusia mungkin tidak lagi kelihatan seperti ketika Dia bersama2 para pengikutNya dahulu, tetapi Roh Kudus sentiasa bersama2 kita. Saat angin dan ombak melanda, marilah kita berseru kepadaNya kerana Tuhan selalu ingin menolong kita.

Tetapi kita selalu meragui Tuhan. Kita selalu cuba untuk menyelesaikan setiap masalah yang kita hadapi dengan kekuatan sendiri. Kita berfikir 'angin dan ombak' ini terlalu berbahaya untuk kita meneruskan pelayaran. Berpatah balik pun tidak dapat. Akhirnya kita terlalu letih dan hampir tenggelam.  Tetapi kita mengetahui bahawa Yesus adalah imanuel, dan Dia bertanya kepada kita, "Mengapa kamu tidak percaya kepadaKu?"

"Be still, and know that I am God!" (Psalm 46: 10)


  1. I have added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit my blog and become a follower also.

  2. I really enjoyed reading the posts on your blog. I would like to invite you to come on over to my blog and check it out. God bless, Lloyd

  3. Hello Stan and Lloyd, thanks for visiting and following this blog. Not sure if you can understand the writings here as most of the articles written in Malay. Anyway, thanks for reading and supporting this ministry. I wish all of us the best as ambassadors of Christ in this fallen world. Take care and God bless all of us.

  4. Hai brother IsOn... what a wondrous miracle indeed. On this Sabbath day, I am spending a little bit of time looking up your reference in the Holy Bible. After reading the accounts of the event in various Gospels, I feel it has a very important message, namely about FAITH. As what is written in (Galatians 3:26) "for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through FAITH". So without FAITH we have nothing and are destined to die. Come then, let us all sail together, helping one another to increase our FAITH towards the Almighty Creator, the God of Abraham, Yakob and Moses (YHWH).

    For myself personally, as one who is afflicted by heart disease, this verse from (Matthew 21:22) "and whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have FAITH" is especially inspiring, giving me great hope that our God will grant me relief from this trial, (not as I will, but only if HE wills it). In all my readings of accounts of miraculous healings in the Gospels, most of them involve this element of FAITH. For example, in (Mark 5:34) He said to her, "Daughter, your FAITH has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering". To my dearest sister Mimie (if you are reading this), let us pray to the Almighty that we be freed from this trial. I am completely certain that our God hears our prayers and He will give us that which is best for us (as He wills, not as we will it). We just have to keep the FAITH... Hmmm, that sound like Bon Jovi, hehe.

    As a parting note, to all my brothers, sisters and mothers, let us remember what our beloved Savior said to Satan in the wilderness. (Matthew 3: 3-4) And the tempter came and said to him, "If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread". But he answered, "It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God". So let us give thanks that we are still alive through every word that comes from God, and He has kept our FAITH in Him intact.

    P/s: I am using the English Standard Version Bible (ESV Bible). Forgive me if anything I write offends anyone.

  5. Thanks for the beautiful sharing mr/mrs anonymous. God bless you...


"Perkataan yang baik merupakan berkat bagi banyak orang." (Amsal 10: 21)