"One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple." (Psalm 27: 4)
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Masa Untuk 'Retreat'
Shallom! Kepada semua pengunjung dan pembaca blog ini. Semoga teman2 semua dalam keadaan yang sihat sejahtera dan berbahagia sentiasa serta diberkati Tuhan melalui perkongsian2 di sini.
Teman2 sekalian, seperti yang saya pernah kongsikan sebelum ini, kini saya sudah 3 minggu mengusahakan klinik sendiri (Acacia Clinic & Surgery) di pekan Kota Belud. Banyak pengalaman dan suka duka sebelum ia mula beroperasi sepenuhnya, tetapi saya tetap bersyukur kepada Tuhan kerana memberikan kekuatan dan hikmat untuk menghadapi semua keadaan itu.
Semenjak dua menjak ini juga saya agak aktif dengan beberapa lagi laman blog yang saya sertai dan ikuti (find them at my profile). Banyak cerita, daripada keadaan politik semasa di Malaysia sampailah kepada cerita2 lawak jenaka yang mencuit hati. Saya agak terleka juga kadang2, sehingga saya seringkali mengingatkan diri saya untuk kembali fokus. Thanks to my dear sister who indirectly reminded me through one of her posting in one of our blog.
Setelah banyak kesibukan yang saya lalui, saya sedar saya perlu retreat. Saya perlu bertenang kembali dan mengambil waktu untuk menyusun langkah seterusnya. Saya perlu menyiapkan beberapa perkara yang tertangguh kerana urusan klinik dan 'kesibukan' harian. Membaca dan menulis merupakan beberapa perkara yang saya sukai. Saya perlu menyiapkan beberapa karangan yang telah saya mulakan beberapa waktu yang lalu. Saya berharap ianya dapat disiapkan dalam tempoh yang terdekat.
Mungkin teman2 juga sedang mengalami keadaan yang saya alami. Mungkin lebih sukar lagi. Mungkin juga tidak. Namun, apa yang saya rindu untuk kongsikan kepada kita semua ialah, ada waktu2nya dalam hidup kita di mana kita akan berasa keletihan kerana kita terlibat dengan banyak komitmen. Lebih2 lagi jika ada di antaranya yang kita tidak berapa gemari.
Kita semua ada waktu2nya perlu retreat. Seorang panglima perang jika dia melihat peperangan itu tidak memihak kepada pasukannya, dia akan mula memanggil mereka untuk retreat. Retreat bukan bererti kalah. Ia sebenarnya tindakan bijak untuk memberi kesempatan mencari dan mengumpul kekuatan baru, dan berlatih lagi supaya dalam peperangan seterusnya kemenangan boleh dicapai.
Oleh itu teman2, marilah kita perhatikan keadaan hidup kita sentiasa. Jika keadaan tidak begitu memihak kepada kita atau kepada keadaan yang kita kehendaki, marilah kita melakukan retreat. Semoga pada langkah seterusnya, hasilnya akan lebih positif. Tuhan memberkati kita semua.
Note: Retreat is to recruit and retrain before returning back into the field. Don't we love it? -ison
Saturday, February 14, 2009
A Special Note To Share On Valentine's Day
Everybody knows what February 14th means. Most couples consider it as a day to say 'I love you' in a most extravagant way than any other day of the year. Some even choose it as the most perfect day to be united in a matrimony. While others have it as a day to be romantically remembered and spent with loved ones. The list could go on and on but friends, whatever Valentine's day means to us, think not of it as the one and only day to show our love to loved ones, relatives, fellow friends and even including those strangers that worth so much of our loving attention. Yes, today is a day to love one another! But remember to keep our love cup full and overflowing for the next tomorrows.
Kay Kuzma explains about keeping our love cup full in a very awe-inspiring way and I would like to share with you an excerpt of this author's writing:
Down deep in your heart there's a cup. Not of fine china, silver, or gold, but a cup of feeling and emotion that when filled makes life worth living. I call it the love cup. It measures your level of contentment. In essence, it's your psychological well-being.
The love I am writing about is not a romantic love, but agape love--a principle, not necessarily devoid of emotion, but not dependent on it either. It is love given with no strings attached, just because the other person exists. When we experience it, endorphins--substances chemically similar to morphine--flow into the brain, producing a sense of security, peace, and calm. One feels good because one feels intrinsically valuable.
When your cup is running low, you feel unloved, rejected, worthless, and empty--you have nothing to give. A drained cup turns your world negative. Anger, criticism, sarcasm, guilt, and bitterness rush in to fill the void.
God can enter a life that's filled with hate and selfishness. He can change it. In a sense, that's the meaning of conversion. No one is beyond God's healing power of love. But even though God can do it, that doesn't mean we should leave the filling entirely to Him. The Lord gives the opportunity to be His entering wedge. People starved for love may first need to experience a little love in action--from fellow human beings. It causes them to realize that their lives are empty. Then we can point them to the Source (Jesus) of complete love.
If you feel empty, ask God to fill you. He will speedily respond. And seek out others who can be cup-fillers, too. Then when your cup is filling, or full, reach out and begin filling the empty love cups of the unlovable. You may not feel loving toward them, but that doesn't matter. God asks no one to feel loving. He just says to be loving. It's the act of love that is important. Love is something you do. And as you love, both you and the one whose cup you are filling will begin to live life abundantly!
You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Fasa Peralihan
Sebelum berlaku perubahan fasa, sesuatu jirim tersebut akan melalui suatu fasa peralihan. Fasa peralihan daripada pepejal kepada cecair dinamakan 'pencairan' dan fasa peralihan daripada cecair kepada gas dinamakan 'penyejatan'. Pepejal juga boleh terus berubah menjadi gas dan fasa peralihan itu dinamakan 'pemejalwapan', manakala perubahan daripada gas kepada cecair dinamakan 'kondensasi'/'penyulingan', dan cecair kepada pepejal dinamakan 'pembekuan'.